MS Kim, SH Cho, WJ You, HT Kim, DI Sun, YH Park. The relationship of human papilloma virus to p53 and proliferative cell nuclear antigen expression in head and neck cancer. Presented at the Fifth Research Workshop on the Biology, Prevention and Treatment of Head and Neck Cancer, 1998, Virginia, USA.…
MS Kim, SH Cho, YH Park, DI Sun, HT Kim, WJ You. Evaluation of the functional results following supracricoid laryngectomy. Presented at the 24th World Congress of the International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics, 1998, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
MS Kim, DI Sun, WJ You, HT Kim, YH Park, SH Cho. The supracricoid laryngectomy of advanced head and neck cancer. Presented at the 4th Korean Combined Otolaryngologic Congress, 1998, Seoul, Korea.
HT Kim, SH Cho, MS Kim, YH Park, DI Sun, WJ You. Treatment of glottic insufficiency with percutaneous collagen augmentation. Presented at the 4th Korean Combined Otolaryngologic Congress, 1998, Seoul, Korea.
MS Kim, SH Cho, YH Park, DI Sun, HT Kim, BD Suh. Functional reconstruction of the oral cavity following partial glossectomy. Presented at the VIIth Korean-Japan joint meeting of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, 1998, Seoul, Korea.
IA Kim, IB Choi, JY Jang, KM Kang, SH Cho, HT Kim, KJ Lee, CR Choi. Frameless fractionated stereotactic radiation therapy in recurrent head and neck cancers. Presented at the Korean Society of Head and Neck Oncology, 1998, Seoul, Korea.
HT Kim, SH Cho, SW Kim, MS Kim. Distribution and origin of nitrergic innervation of canine laryngeal ventricle using neuronal retrograde tracer. Presented at the 72nd Congress of Korean Society of Otolaryngology, 1998, Seoul, Korea.
HT Kim, SH Cho, WJ You, SH Yoon. Compositional change of mucoglycoprotein of the submucosal gland in the canine laryngeal ventricle following denervation of the superior and recurrent laryngeal nerve. Presented at the 72nd Congress of Korean Society of Otolaryngology, 1998, Seoul, Korea.
HS Park, MS Kim, DI Sun, WJ You, HT Kim, YH Park, SH Cho. The functional result of reconstruction of soft palate defect using radial forearm free flap. Presented at the 10th Korean Society of Logopedics and Phoniatrics, 1998, Seoul, Korea.
HT Kim, SH Cho, MS Kim, YH Park, DI Sun, WJ You. Botulinum toxin treatment for functional voice disorder. Presented at the 10th Korean Society of Logopedics and Phoniatrics, 1998, Seoul, Korea.
HT Kim, SH Cho, MS Kim, YH Park, DI Sun, WJ You. The effectiveness of submucosal infusion technique for phonomicrosurgery. Presented at the 10th Korean Society of Logopedics and Phoniatrics, 1998, Seoul, Korea.
MS Kim, SH Cho, YH Park, DI Sun, HT Kim, BD Suh. Functional reconstruction of the oral cavity following partial glossectomy. Presented at the 5th International Congress on Oral Cancer, 1997, London, England.
MS Kim, DI Sun, SH Cho, YH Park, HT Kim, WJ You, BS Kim. The functional evaluation of supracricoid laryngectomy. Presented at the 50th Anniversary Congress of the Korean Society of Otolaryngology, 1997, Kyungju, Korea.
HT Kim, SH Cho, MS Kim, DI Sun, YH Park. The structural change of collagen type III of superficial layer of lamina propria in the benign laryngeal disease. Presented at the 59th Anniversary Congress of the Korean Society of Otolaryngology, 1997, Kyungju, Korea.